Water Pump Leak

Took Lucy into MINI of San Diego today for the next service, this one a regular oil change at 28k. After a little while my advisor came and said they had discovered that the water pump was leaking so they needed another 2-3 hours. I called a colleague and he came to get me. Of course he arrived just as they told me they had managed to find me a loaner for the day.

I’m glad they caught the leak before it failed though I’m a little concerned that I am having a few too many issues with this MINI, am probably going to be thankful I got pressured into the 100k warranty. Though I did learn something about that today – although the clutch is covered, it is only covered in the event of a complete failure. So even if I know the clutch is failing I have to break down and get a tow before they will fix it. This seems stupid to me.

My last clutch lasted 150k miles so wouldn’t be under warranty anyway, so perhaps it is all moot.

While I was at the dealer, I did very much fall in lust with the new JCW GP they had in the showroom. Sex on wheels.