Windscreen Lawsuit

Got home last Friday to find two messages on the message machine from a law firm. I have been identified as a possible plaintiff in a lawsuit against MINI for defective windscreen design, and could I please call them to discuss. I deleted the messages.

I’ve no doubt that the windscreens are defective; I’ve had 5 between my two MINIs which I think makes me luckier than most. But I’m not litigious and I hate how these things end up making millions of dollars for the attorneys, and I end up with a $10 voucher to be used against a $300 oil change.

I’ll pass.

A New Pet Peeve

Maybe not so new but I am seeing a lot of this recently: people driving on the hard shoulder around ‘tight’ curves. So, a typical US-style clover-leaf on-ramp to the freeway, the driver in front of me takes it on the hard shoulder. And not just a little but all the way over. Now this in itself wouldn’t grind my gears but they take it slowly, so I am going faster than them and still on the road and I have to decide whether to overtake or slow down. I always slow down but I just don’t get it.

In other news I am 3 miles away from 123k on the odometer, never had a car do this many miles. Still going strong though.