MINI: Most Unreliable New Car in 2009

I was watching CNN this morning while getting ready for work and they announced a new JD Power initial quality survey that showed (in their view) that the US car industry was improving. They were quoting figures for the number of repairs required in the first 90 days per 100 cars. Only ones I remember (roughly) are:

  • Lexus – 84 repairs per 100 cars
  • Porsche – 90
  • Cadillac – 91
  • MINI – 165 per 100 cars
  • Industry average – 108

In trying to find the article I found this one that says that MINI came dead last: ouch! The full details are on the JD Power website. But here is a summary:

Bits and Bobs

Been a while….

  • MINI recently passed 85,000 miles, looks like I will make it to my first ever 100k automobile
  • Stripes are starting to look really tatty, faded, rusty even. Tempted to take them off and see how it looks with the two tone paintwork or maybe even buying some new ones
  • Talking of stripes, I finally came up with a side stripe theme I like but don’t know who I could get to make them or, more importantly, if I want to spend the money
  • Got a voicemail today from the shop that did my last Inspection in December, asked me to please call them. I presume this is a business-generation call but I’m still smarting form the $500 rear brakes replacement so probably will not call them back.
  • Hmmm… I’ve surely jinxed the car with the first bullet point
  • Doing my part to save California – my car tax is up to $289 in August!