They say no news is good news so I think I have nothing but good news to report. Carrie seems to be fault free and other than the weekly commute to/from San Diego, there really isn’t any motoring going on. I haven’t been to a club event in what seems like years but I am entered in the Cruisin’ For a Cure event in September. I was booked last year but didn’t get to go due to the funeral, hopefully it will work out this year. Chances are there isn’t going to be a whole lot happening on the blog for a while but that if I think of something, I’ll put it up.
Month: May 2006
The Real Cost of Gas
This picture of a Manahattan Beach Shell gas station shows the real price of precious petrol in CA…

Made it at Last
Yep, on the way home from San Diego this afternoon, I hit the valley floor and saw the OBC rise to 104 degrees, old-school. Its getting warm, baby! And this at 5.45pm, glad I wasn’t here mid-afternoon.
I filled up with gas when I left work and despite terrible traffic on I-15, SR-52, and I-8 the OBC was indicating 29.7 mpg for a very long time. I’ve not seen that high before in Carrie over any distance. Unfortunately I had to put the a/c on (or die) and by the time I got home it was down to 29.0 but that’s still a record for me over 130 miles of driving. An hour in stop-start traffic, and then another 90 mnutes pretty much at 80.
No More MPG Tracking
Ever since I got Carrie back in August last year I’ve been dilligently tracking my fuel purchases and consumption on but this weekend I packed it in. Its too depressing to type in that I spent $46 in gas and only got 12 gallons. I did get 25.5 mpg on the last tank and it seems that this is now the norm for my new commute pattern. This morning on the drive to San Diego the OBC is indicating 27.6 which is awesome though the week’s to/from work commute will soon eat at that. Anyway, I am going to keep an eye on my fuel consumption via the OBC but no more record-taking.
SRS Light Finally Off
Carrie was back to Brecht’s today for the new seat sensor map install. They had it done in a couple of hours which was neat, no need to leave and come back. Driving to work it seemed wrong for the light to not be on, I think it will take a while to get used to not seeing the red light in the corner of my vision. We’ll see if it lasts a while, and then I have to decide if the seat covers are going back on or not.