[Comment posting is now fixed]
Had some success with my projects at the weekend, got the XM Direct unit installed and I have to say I am very pleased with it. For some reason, the radio isn’t yet activated so I haven’t been able to actually tune in to any channels but the preview channel comes in nice and clear! Had one minor scare during installation – the top stopped working, it would not go past sunroof mode. After much panic and swearing I read the manual which said to check the position of the parcel shelf. I did and sure enough I had nudged it off its position and I guess some sensor picked that up. Phew!
I had tried the “blind install” method for the window circuit in the morning but to no success and so decided to do it the hard way. The screws holding the downtubes have changed and I didn’t have a T40 screwdriver so decided to leave it until Sunday. Sunday came and we had torrential rain with thunder and lightning all day so I didn’t get to do anything. Hopefully I’ll get to that next weekend.